Fail House

Fail House was a show house located at N Failing between Vancouver and Williams. It has gone through multiple phases, but I was there mostly from 2017 to 2020, when that iteration (primarily ran by Jordan LeVeque of Slender Gems) ended shortly before COVID.

Shows Photographed:
Feb 28 2020Alien Boy, Lo Fives
June 1 2019 – Stranger Than Fact, Havania Whaal
April 18 2019Heaven Skate, Mujahedeen, Neilson Family
Jan 12 2019Fantastic Plastic
March 27 2018Slender Gems, tough boy, Bobo 
March 24 2018Dim Wit, Millstone Grit, Heavenly Bother, gal pal, B.R.U.C.E.
Jan 26 2018Este, Small Skies, Tea Haze, Fringe Class
Oct 27 2017 – The Ramones cover band, blink-182 cover band

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