
Kulululu is Jeff Evans, joined variously by Andy Rayborn, Daniel Rossi, David Robert Burrows, Denzel Mendoza, Dillon Pierce Glusker, Jordan Vale, and Nick Hamel. Upon relocating to Tucson, Jeff formed a new Kulululu with members whom I do not know!

Based in: Portland, OR; Tucson, AZ
Years Active: 2014 to 2022 (in Portland); 2022 to Present (in Tucson)

Also Known As: Oh Yeah, Fuck Yeah!; Sneezer, or Rubber Baby Baby Baby
Related Acts: Mr. Vale’s Math Class, Illegal Son, Paper Gates

Instagram: @kulululu
Facebook: facebook.com/kulululumusic
Bandcamp: kulululu.bandcamp.com

Sets Photographed:
Feb 25 2022 at Vitalidad
June 27 2021 at Ladd’s Alley
May 11 2019 at St Johns Bizarre (as Oh Yeah, Fuck Yeah!)
May 18 2018 at Jeff’s House (as Sneezer, or Rubber Baby Baby Baby)
March 3 2018 at Tillamook Basement
Oct 28 2017 at Mördhaus
July 22 2017 at PDX Pop Now!
June 23 2017 at Crush House
April 1 2017 at the Banana Stand
Dec 3 2016 at Casa de Bing Bong
May 14 2016 at the Dacha

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